Dianna Rupp / Sun Star
Present: Benjamin Anderson-Agimuk, Erik Rickards, Cordero Reid, Jonathan Quinones, Brandon Blum, Sabrina Martin, Ryan Cain, Kayleen Hansen, Mickey Zakurdaew.
Absent Excused: Allyssia Garcia.
ASUAF’s senate meeting this Sunday was called to order by Senate Chair Jonathan Quinones at 4 p.m. in room 208 of the Gruening building. After unanimously adopting the minutes of the previous meeting and the new meetings agenda, the senate moved direcetly into officer reports.
Chair Quinones claimed 12 hours over the past week spent on replying to students’ concerns about UAF sports teams and going to meetings. President Mathew Carrick claimed 22 hours spent meeting with the chancellor search committee. Government Relations Director Leslie Drumhiller claimed 3 hours this week and 18 1/2 hours the previous week and will be traveling to Anchorage soon to learn more about student government.
Though neither Vice President Colby Freel or Public Relations Director Hannah Witherington were present, Freel did relay to the senate that he was claiming 28.5 hours for the past two weeks, which were primarily spent working with the Club Council and the Elections board.
Though the Internal affairs and student activities committees weren’t able to meet this week, the Executive committee met to discuss travel applications and the public relations committee was able to purchase an iPod for senate use.
Finally, after appointing senator Sabrina Martin to the Elections board, the senate was able to unanimously pass SB 185-007, a bill meant to help in establishing the Alaska Advantage Incentive Program Scholarship, and adjourn the meeting at 4:17 p.m.